
Beetroot for long COVID

Last updated on August 13, 2024, 09:07 am



What is beetroot juice?

Beetroot juice is, as its name implies, juice from the red beetroot (also called a beet), Beta vulgaris. It has garnered much attention due to its potential health effects on the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, as well as metabolism and inflammation. These health effects stem from its status as the juice of a vegetable with a high nitrate content [[1]].


What does beetroot juice do in the body?

Beetroot juice, like other foods high in nitrates, such as leafy green vegetables, makes nitric oxide more available to the body’s cells. This, in turn, can boost physical performance and improve endothelial function, which is also reliant upon nitric oxide. Those at risk of dysfunction in the endothelial system, such as older adults, people with peripheral artery disease, pregnant women, and people with high cholesterol and high blood pressure, can benefit from beetroot juice [[2]]. Research from animal studies shows that the nitrate content of beetroot juice may also reduce the inflammatory response by acting directly on pro-inflammatory cells. It may also increase the availability of nitric oxide in the lungs, improving respiratory defenses and potentially protecting against respiratory infections [[3]].


In addition to its nitrate content, beetroot juice boasts other compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, such as polyphenols, carotenoids, and other inflammation-busting compounds. These compounds can scavenge free radicals in the body and regulate the immune response.


How can beetroot juice help alleviate certain Long COVID symptoms and pathophysiology? 

Because a feature of Long COVID is endothelial dysfunction, and another is inflammation, consuming beetroot juice could potentially help improve endothelial function and reduce the body’s inflammatory response in Long COVID. According to the above research, the endothelial health benefits may be significant for people with high cholesterol and high blood pressure who are already at higher risk of endothelial dysfunction.