
Ivabradine for long COVID

Last updated on October 19, 2024, 03:12 am


What is Ivabradine?

Ivabradine is a medication used to treat heart conditions.


What does Amantading do in the body?

Ivabradine slows the electrical conduction in the heart which subsequently slows the heart rate.


How can Ivabradine help alleviate certain long COVID symptoms and pathophysiology?

The use of ivabradine in long COVID (post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, PASC) is based on limited but emerging scientific evidence. According to the 2022 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on Cardiovascular Sequelae of COVID-19 by the American College of Cardiology, ivabradine has been used in patients with severe fatigue exacerbated by beta-blockers and calcium-channel blockers.

This recommendation is based on a small trial involving 22 patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). The trial found that ivabradine improved heart rate and quality of life over one month[1]. Additionally, a perspective article suggests that ivabradine may be helpful in managing COVID-19-related cardiovascular complications due to its heart rate-lowering effects and various additional benefits, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant actions[2]. However, these findings are preliminary and derived from small-scale studies or theoretical benefits rather than large, randomized controlled trials specifically targeting long COVID. While there is some evidence supporting the use of ivabradine for managing cardiovascular symptoms in long COVID, it is primarily based on small studies and expert opinion. More extensive clinical trials are needed.



1.Gluckman TJ, Bhave NM, Allen LA, et al. 2022 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on Cardiovascular Sequelae of COVID-19 in Adults: Myocarditis and other Myocardial involvement, Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-COV-2 Infection, And return to play. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2022;79(17):1717-1756. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2022.02.003

2.Baka T, Repova K, Luptak I, Simko F. Ivabradine in the Management of COVID-19-related Cardiovascular Complications: A perspective. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2022;28(19):1581-1588. doi:10.2174/1381612828666220328114236