What is molnupiravir (Lagevrio)?
Molnupiravir, a medication authorized by the FDA in 2021 for Emergency Use, is used to treat COVID-19 infections [1]. It is an antiviral that changes the genetic makeup of COVID-19, so it cannot replicate. For the best outcome, molnupiravir should be used within five days of symptom onset.
How can molnupiravir help with long-COVID?
Currently, there is some evidence supporting the use of molnupiravir to decrease the risk of long-COVID. In a clinical study completed in 2021, patients treated with molnupiravir had faster tissue oxygen saturation times and a reduced demand for respiratory aid [2]. Long-COVID is often characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and exercise intolerance; these findings indicate molnupiravir decreases respiratory symptoms, allowing patients to return to pre-COVID baselines quicker [3]. A second study completed by the Veterans Affairs (VA) found that those who received molnupiravir within five days of having symptoms had a reduced risk of adverse outcomes after six months. It did not matter if a person was unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, or unvaccinated; the outcomes were positive regardless of vaccination status [4].
Molnupiravir as a treatment for COVID-19 has been established; however, for prevention of long-COVID, the status remains unknown. It shows promise in decreasing symptoms early on in COVID-19. However, further research can help to solidify its use for patients with long-COVID.