What is sulforaphane?
Sulforaphane is a plant-derived substance known to possess anti-cancer properties; more recently, its effects in fighting COVID-19 have become known [[1]]. It is found in cruciferous vegetables with exceptionally high concentrations in broccoli. Because it is found in plants we already eat, sulforaphane is generally well-tolerated [[2]].
What does sulforaphane do in the body?
Sulforaphane is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound known to inhibit the effects of pro-inflammatory molecules [[3]]. It is also neuroprotective, meaning it has protective effects on the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. As a known anti-cancer agent, sulforaphane reduces the impact of oxidative stress on the body’s cells, inhibiting inflammatory activity. Sulforaphane inhibits the cytokines involved in the cytokine storm of COVID-19 [[4]], which is linked to Long COVID [[5]].
How can sulforaphane help alleviate certain Long COVID symptoms and/or pathophysiology?
Animal studies suggest that it can improve endothelial function by blocking oxidative stress [[6]]. A study of broccoli capsules containing sulforaphane to treat COVID-19 concluded that sulforaphane could potentially protect against severe illness [[7]]. A study of sulforaphane in COVID found that it was potentially an anti-inflammatory mediator in COVID-19, reducing the gene expression of inflammatory compounds [[8]]. However, laboratory research also suggests that sulforaphane may be less effective in older people than in younger populations [[9]].