
Tollovid for long COVID

Last updated on August 13, 2024, 09:07 am



What is Tollovid?

Tollovid is a blend of plant extracts. It is in clinical studies to treat both COVID-19 and Long COVID. Having shown promising data in acute COVID-19, studies are underway to assess its use for Long COVID [[1]].


What does Tollovid do in the body?

Tollovid works by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme known as the 3CL protease. This enzyme is involved in the replication of coronaviruses inside our cells. Once the virus synthesizes its RNA into a long polyprotein, the protease breaks down the proteins, helping form the coronavirus molecules [[2]]. By inhibiting the 3CL protease, Tollovid stops coronaviruses’ ability to replicate. Tollovid may also have anti-cytokine properties [[3]].


How can Tollovid help alleviate certain Long COVID symptoms? 

Evidence suggests that, in some patients with Long COVID, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 persists in their bodies even after their bout with COVID-19. Therefore, Tollovid may help neutralize the effects of the lingering virus in these patients. The virus may persist, especially in the gut, leading to persistent inflammatory responses. In a non-peer-reviewed study conducted by the manufacturers of Tollovid, the supplement decreased symptoms, including fatigue and congestion, in both acute COVID and Long COVID. 46.2% of Long COVID patients reported reduced symptoms in the study [[4]]. The company also recently published a non-peer-reviewed case study in which one Long COVID patient with microclots benefitted after taking Tollovid [[5]].