
Treatment Details





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3 Relevant Research Studies

1 Ratings



Brand Name: Singulair

Drug Class: Leukotriene receptor antagonist

FDA Category: Prescription Medication

CompendiRx Topic(s): Lungs

Dosage Form: Tablet Tablet - 10g, Chewable tablet - 4mg, 5mg , Oran granules - 4mg/packet

Common Usage: Asthma, exercise-induced bronchospasm, allergies

How it works

Competitive leukotriene receptor antagonist


Pregnant patients adequately controlled on montelukast for asthma may continue therapy when conventional medications are not effective; initiating treatment during pregnancy is not recommended


In general, breastfeeding is considered acceptable when the RID is <10% . The decision to breastfeed during therapy should consider the risk of infant exposure, the benefits of breastfeeding to the infant, and benefits of treatment to the mother.


"Black Box Warning: Neuropsychiatric events , Contraindicated: Hypersensitivity Warnings: Aspirin sensitivity, not for acute asthma"


I had taken this for years as a child and teen with Asthma - and then as an adult pre-covid I was able to come off of it. Post covid, I had a lot of residual issues with breathing and with allergic like reactions and inflammation. It was so bad that I could barely move around without gasping for air or at times I would go out and something would be in the air that would randomly cause an allergic reaction that had never happened before. Starting back on this medicine post covid has been a part of what has started to calm everything down and allow me to actually be able to function again while also allowing me to wean off of other medications slowly. It targets an aspect of something that causes allergic and persistent inflammation. I still do get a bit drowsy from it, but I take it in the evening before bed and so that is not a problem for me, but it is something to be aware of. It

Oct 15, 2024, 01:27:PM


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Heather Adrian
Heather Adrian
4 months ago
Effectiveness rating :
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I had taken this for years as a child and teen with Asthma – and then as an adult pre-covid I was able to come off of it. Post covid, I had a lot of residual issues with breathing and with allergic like reactions and inflammation. It was so bad that I could barely move around without gasping for air or at times I would go out and something would be in the air that would randomly cause an allergic reaction that had never happened before.

Starting back on this medicine post covid has been a part of what has started to calm everything down and allow me to actually be able to function again while also allowing me to wean off of other medications slowly. It targets an aspect of something that causes allergic and persistent inflammation. I still do get a bit drowsy from it, but I take it in the evening before bed and so that is not a problem for me, but it is something to be aware of. It

What symptom did you target?
Breathing or Respiratory issues, Rash

© 2024 All Rights Reserved. Information on Ratings and Reviews is reported by our members and is not medical advice.

Submission Date: Apr 16, 2024, 07:53AM

Last Update Date: Sep 14, 2024, 06:52PM